SMKK Mater Amabilis Sweeps Medals In Session 3

OTTIMMO–SMKK Mater Amabilis takes all medals of Ottimmo International Culinary Competition Session 3, on Saturday, May 20. There were five teams from this school and all of them win the first place to the fifth place.


The members of the first winning team were Isadora Harum, Vincentius Anthony and Regina Clara. The got the highest scores in all judging aspects, cleanliness, time management, ingredient choice, creativity, plating and the palate.


The rules in this Culinary Competition was different from the third session last April. If the team cooked in turn before, now the team was divided. One member is made to read the recipe while the other two cooked and served it.


This system was not easy as the two students could not see the recipe. They can only listen to their teammate instructions. All of the teams have 1.5 hours to cook, serve and clean their station.


“The difficulty lies on how we translate the instructions from our teammate. If they are clear and simple, the cook will be easier. Fortunately, we can finish the dish on time,” said Isadora Harum.


For the second place, it was the team of Vani Angelina, Abigail Michelle and Clarissa Adinda. Based on the judging, the score difference was very small.


“Discipline is greatly emphasized in cooking. Some participant get score reductions as they were late coming out of the kitchen. Some teams also get the reduction from their cleanliness aspect, they did not make it in cleaning the utensils on time,” said Chef Zaldy Iskandar, the Head Judge, who is also the Director of Ottimmo International.


Culinary Competition which every session is participated by 12 teams from many senior high schools, will start again next June. Chef Zaldy hoped that SMA students can compete with SMK students.