Do you know? The food that you take determines the functionality of your organs and body? Each organ in your body requires different type of supplements, nutrients and vitamins to be healthy and to avoid infections. This is the very reason why the dieticians and physicians signify the necessity of a balanced diet. The sensory system that includes eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ears also require a diet that help them to function better. Very few know the best diet for ears as we always give preference to the health of eyes and skin when it comes to the health of the sensory system. Probably the only precaution we take for our ear health is protecting them from big noises. While keeping our ears away from noises is important, keeping the following foods in your everyday diet is also pivotal for better ear health. Here is the best diet for you to avoid hearing loss and other ear health issues in a long run.
The magnesium-rich fruit is all that your ears needed as a regular diet. Studies found that a lack of magnesium causes shrinkage in the blood vessels of the inner ear, affecting the oxygen supply. The magnesium quotient in bananas expands the blood vessels in the inner ears allowing hassle-free better blood circulation and oxygen reach. It also helps in controlling the glutamate, which is the main reason for hearing loss in many senior adults.
The Omega 3 and Vitamin D are rich in fish like salmon and tuna. Few researchers have proven that Omega 3 not only help you to avoid cardiovascular diseases but it also helps you in preventing hearing loss by significantly improving the coordination between the brain and ears. Fish is also a rich source of Vitamin D that strengthens the bones. By consuming fish on a regular basis, Vitamin D improves the strength of the bones that are available in the inner ears.
Dark Chocolate:
Dark Chocolate is the real sweet music to the ears. It is rich with Zinc, which is essential to maintain better immunity. Eating dark chocolate will protect the ears from the regular ear infections while enhancing the cell-growth. However, consult your doctor before including it in your diet as dark chocolate in your regular diet is not advisable in the presence of few health conditions, especially diabetes.
Oranges and other citrus fruits take care of the free-radicals that cause various age-related health issues, including hearing loss and ear infections. The Vitamins such as C and E that are available in oranges will work as best supplements to avoid hearing loss. In addition, the presence of Glutathione in oranges protects the cells from infections and works as a natural antioxidant.
Milk Products:
Milk is a good source of Vitamins and Minerals. Vitamins such as A, B (B1 to B6), D, E and K that are available in milk will help in body metabolism rate and oxygen transportation. Also, they function as antioxidants. Milk also contains minerals such as magnesium and potassium, selenium and zinc that help in maintaining and regulating fluids in the body and cells. They are also essential in maintaining the sensitive fluid in the inner ear.
Green Leaves:
Broccoli, cabbage and spinach are ideal sources of folic acid, Vitamin K and C, Potassium and Magnesium. The vitamins available in broccoli will help in regulating the free radicals that may damage the sensitive tissue in the inner ears. Folic acid and other minerals help with better blood circulation to the ears and better cell growth.
Eating good food is very important to your ears. Eating right is important to hear it right! Customize your diet based on your health preferences and ensure these supplements are included in your diet only after consulting your ENT Dietician. It is the simple food and lifestyle changes that keep you healthy and fit.