Knife Skills

Knife Skills, The First Lesson

OTTIMMO–First semester students of OTTIMMO International had their first practical lesson this week. The first lesson they learn is  knife skills. It is the basic skills of a chef before learning another kind of skills. The lessons on knife skills were given for two weeks to the first semester students. All of them learn the…

Team Building

To Improve Organization, CASO Holds Training Centre

OTTIMMO–Culinary Art Student Organisation (CASO) of Ottimmo International Culinary and Pattisserie School has established its new management for 2017. A collaboration of third and first semester students will run CASO who has targeted some changes.   Before starting their works, the members of CASO gathered in a Training Camp held in Khalwat Bethlehem, Wagir of…

Popular Patisseries

Students Introduced to Popular Patisseries

OTTIMMO—The third semester students or baking-pastry class have learned a lot from the last three weeks. In early part of their learning in baking and pastry kitchen, students were introduced and taught how to make special pastries from around the world. They learned how to make Bagels, Pretzels, Ciabatta, Naan, Grissini, Foccaccia and some other…