It is a popular Indonesian cuisine during Lebaran Holiday which derived from Central Java. This dish is one of mandatory dish which usually served with Ketupat and Spicy Stir Fried Chicken Liver.
Indonesia cuisine usually uses 3 kind of spice paste which are white, yellow and red base spice paste. This white chicken curry is a great application of white spice paste.
This dish is quite easy to be made because the ingredients used is easy to find throughout Indonesia. The spice paste is made from garlic, shallot, galangal, candle nut, cumin and coriander. As for the aromatic spice, lemongrass, salam leaf and lime leaf is used.
Free range chicken and eggs are traditionally used in this cuisine. As for vegetarian options, fried tofu and tempeh can be used instead. Since coconut milk is used in the process, this dish contains high amount calories and very rich, for lighter version the coconut milk can be omitted and adding more candle nut.
Application and variation of this dish can be found in Nasi Liwet of Solo. The Chinese community in Indonesia also apply this dish in one of their fusion dish called Lontong Cap Gomek.