Community Services “Supplementary Food For Pregnant and Brestfeeding Women”
OTTIMMO International Lecturer and students conducted community service with topic “Nutritious Supplementary Food based on Healthy Vegetable Noodles, Fusilli Cassava and Mocaf-Spinach Cookies” to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and kader posyandu in the Lidah Kulon village, Surabaya on Monday, December 14 st 2020. The period of pregnancy and lactating are the period of the first 1000 days of life (1000 HPK). the first 1000 days of life period is 270 days during pregnancy and 730 days in the first life of the baby.
The nutritional status and health of the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a period that needs attention.
Optimal nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding can provide opportunities for children to live healthy, productive, strong immune system and reduce the risk of degeneratives such as obesity, diabetes, stroke and heart disease. The nutritional needs of pregnant and breastfeeding women are increasing compared to ordinary women. Healthy vegetable noodles that are processed using vegetables, champignon mushrooms and chicken are nutritious supplementary food that can be given to pregnant and lactating women.
In food consumption, it is necessary to pay attention to a variety of foods. Cassava fusili can also be processed as a nutrient dense food by adding smoked beef, milk, mocaf flour and certain spices to get a creamy fusilli dish. Cookies as high-carbohydrate foods can be created by using mocaf flour as an alternative to wheat flour which is known ingredient import. So that the content of cookies is not only carbohydrates,almonds can be added as a source of protein and spinach as a source of iron. This nutrition are very good for pregnant and lactating women.Protein is used to energy production, tissue formation and immune system. Iron is important for prevent anemia.
Beside counseling activity, the community services also consisted of a cooking demonstration “Chicken vegetable noodles and Creamy Fusilli by OTTIMMO students (Meldy Halim Purnomo). At the end of the event, the community service participants were given healthy vegetable noodles, fusilli pasta, and mocaf-spinach cookies created by OTTIMMO students (Jason nick Adriel). This community service activity takes place in collaboration with the Nutritionist at the Puskesmas Lidah Kulon, Kader Posyandu Lidah Kulon. All healthy vegetable noodles, fusilli pasta and mocaf flour that used in this community services are supported by Various healthy food recipes from mocaf flour (gluten free), healthy vegetable noodles (veggie noodle) and cassava paste fusilli can be seen at @ladangresep.