Competition inspired by world food day, Ottimmo challenge the skill and creativity of cooking in Ottimmo Cooking Competition 2020. It named Simple But Extraordinary,in this competition we want the participant create quality cuisine with basic ingredients of tofu and tempeh.

The purpose of these event are to hone the young people creativity in culinary and also educate the participant about the nutrition of tofu and tempeh. It was about 35 group from all around east java joint in these competition, and we filter into 15 groups.
Final of these competition held at Ottimmo International campus on Novemeber 14, 2020, the participant cooking something different from the first screening, and the judges choose 3 winner and 1 the most favorite.

There are the winner of these competition: firts; Kresna Han and Felix Tirta, second; Stevie Agnes and Angelina, third; Hilmiatul and Muhammad Imam, and the favorite; Giovanni and Theo.
The prize for the winner are 4 million for the first winner, 3 million for second winner, 2 million for the third, 1 million for the favorite, and some goodie bag.
The judging criteria are plate presentation, creativity, hygiene, time management, taste. There are 3 judges in these competition; 2 judges from Ottimmo and chef Ken as the guest star. The Cooking Competition supported by Tempe Hienak, Inofu, Fiber Cream, Ikan Dorang and Ringgo.