On May 01, Indonesia commemorates National Education Day (Hari Pendidikan Nasional), the purpose of National Education Day (Hari Pendidikan Nasional) is to appreciate every struggle of educators. In commemoration of the national education day (Hari Pendidikan Nasional), OTTIMMO International Culinary and Patisserie Academy held a webinar with the theme of vocational education, and raised the title “Who is afraid of vocational education?” The webinar held on May 22, 2021 at 13.00 WIB via a zoom meeting. At the webinar, we presented several speakers who are certainly competent in the field of vocational and tourism. The first speaker was brought by the Director General of Vocational Education, he is Wikan Sakarinto. In the first session, Mr. Wikan gave material about what vocational education is and how a vocational school itself is and the ideal teacher for a vocational school. In the webinar event we also invited the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, he gave an opening remarks before the material from the tourism ministry was conveyed to all webinar participants, the material represented by the Deputy for Resources and Institutions Mr. Wisnu Bawa Tarunajaya regarding ” The Role of Vocational Education in Producing Superior and Competitive Human Resources for Creative Economy”. In this material, KEMENPAREKRAF hopes that graduates from vocational schools can make a big contribution, especially in the culinary and UMKM fields.
The 3rd material was delivered by Mr. I Gede Arya Pering as chairman of the general manager hotel association throughout Indonesia. In this third material, Mr. Arya conveyed to all webinar participants that the tourism industry has a high enough standard/qualification to recruit staff/employees, therefore, through vocational education, it will make it easier for the hotel/restaurant industry not to need to take a long time to train a new staff. And Mr. Arya also advised both every school and higher education engaged in tourism should develop themselves to always innovate so that the quality of graduates must better. In addition, Mr Arya also said that the advantage of vocational education is that students will undergo an internship program, where they prepare themselves to be able to enter the world of work industry.
And the last material delivered by chef Arya, he is a culinary arts class teacher. Chef Arya’s material was focuses on what is taught in tourism education institutions, especially in the culinary field.
This webinar was attended by 400 participants using zoom and youtube accounts, and lasted for 2 hours. The response from the audience was quite good and the stay in the webinar class until the end.