The first 1000 days of life is a golden period for a child to grow and develop optimally. This is a unique period of opportunity when the foundations of optimum health, growth, and neurodevelopment. In Indonesia, result of the basic health research in 2013 show that the prevalence of stunting malnutrition (37,2%) was higher than in 2010 (35,6%) (Balitbangkes, 2014).
Stunting and other malnutrition problems can be prevented through sustainable care and treatment. Nutrition education includes all types of action designed to change knowledge, attitude and behaviors of individuals and populations to contribute to the prevention and control of malnutrition in all its forms, and any erroneous food consumption. Department of Research and Public Service OTTIMMO International in collaboration with Al-Wali Foundation conduct a nutrition education through the community service program in Kediri.
Nutrition education materials were given in the form of nutrition counseling and learning. Including healthy food for pregnant women, healthy food for nursing mothers, and healthy food for infants. One of the mission of the OTTIMMO International community service programs is to play an active role in contributing to overcoming community problems through nutrition education activities.